Wayfinding for Pedestrians: Overview of the Role of Sidewalk Design
Received date: December 9, 2018
Accepted date: December 9, 2018
Published date: December 9, 2018
Wayfinding for Pedestrian, Sidewalk Design, Choose the Route. -
The primary aim of this study was to describe the pattern of pedestrian movement and the main cause of students’ selection in choosing those particular route. A qualitative research method was utilized for the purpose of data collection via an interview data retrieval technique. Findings were transcribed, coded, and analyzed manually. Findings indicated that students’ difficulties in finding Rectorate Building were 27.5%. There were 75% of students who receive information for directions from the results of questioning with other students in the campus, while those who only read the guide map were only 25%. There were 55% of students choose route based on the closest distance, while comfort factor is 11.25%. Only 71.25% students use sidewalks, while those who do not always use pavements were 28.75%. Viewed from gender, it was indicated that difficulties in finding Rectorate Building was 44.7% from male and 38.1% from female. 60.5% of male and 73.8% of female prefer to ask verbally to find travel information, while 39.5% of male and 26.2% of female would read the guide map. 59.5% female and 31.5% of male prefer the shortest route. The users of sidewalks were 52.6% male and 69.2% female. This study contributes to the implementation and integration of sustainable green campus in Indonesia.
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How to Cite
Lesmana, W., Hidayah, R., Bruri Triyono, M., Dahar Minghat, A., & Salina Mustakim, S. (2018). Wayfinding for Pedestrians: Overview of the Role of Sidewalk Design. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4.33), 138-143. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i4.33.23518Received date: December 9, 2018
Accepted date: December 9, 2018
Published date: December 9, 2018