Low Complexity Interference Alignment for Distributed Large-Scale MIMO Hardware Architecture and Implementation for 5G Communication

  • Authors

    • Savitri Galih
    • . .
    • . .
  • Distributed Massive MIMO, Interference Alignment, FPGA.
  • Abstract

    Massive MIMO or Large Scale MIMO is a promising solution for achieving superior data rates in 5G communication systems. However, it has limitation in term of scalability and coverage for users that has highly spatial separation. Distributed massive MIMO is expected to enhance these drawbacks. One main problem arises in this scheme is the MIMO interference channel condition that can be copied by interference alignment algorithm. The main consideration for interference alignment algorithm in distributed Massive MIMO is to achieve low complexity precoding to eliminate interference channel condition and to design efficient hardware architecture for its implementation. Previous research regarding IA for Distributed Massive MIMO indicate that the complexity issues is still not widely discussed. This paper proposed the low complexity IA scheme for large scale MIMO system based on limited interferer and the implementation of low cost interference alignment and wireless synchronization for distributed MIMO using software defined radio hardware. From the simulation result, it shows that limited interferer IA algorithm achieve acceptable BER performance, i.e. in order of 10-3. The hardware implementation of the IA precoding matrix computation is also discussed. Based on the experiment, it is show that the proposed algorithm and architecture achieved higher hardware performance compared to the linear IA.



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  • How to Cite

    Galih, S., ., ., & ., . (2018). Low Complexity Interference Alignment for Distributed Large-Scale MIMO Hardware Architecture and Implementation for 5G Communication. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.33), 208-213. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i4.33.23561

    Received date: 2018-12-10

    Accepted date: 2018-12-10

    Published date: 2018-12-09