Network Reduction Impact on Optimisation Algorithms by Predicting Robot Movement

  • Authors

    • Divyanshu Chauhan
    • Bhairvee Singh
    • Ishu Varshney
  • network reduction, optimisation algorithm, resources, pruning, sensitivity
  • Recently the size of the neural network has been increasing at a very fast pace. This increases the training time and computation cost required by the neural net. There are various ways to reduce the network to decrease the computation time and resource requirement.This paper measures the impact of network reduction on various optimisation algorithms by predicting Wall-Following robot movement. The network is reduced using the sensitivity of the neurons. Performance of various optimisation algorithms (Adadelta, Adagrad, Adam, Adamax, Rprop and SGD) are compared before and after network reduction. A single hidden layer neural network and a three hidden layered deep neural network are used for this experiment.



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  • How to Cite

    Chauhan, D., Singh, B., & Varshney, I. (2018). Network Reduction Impact on Optimisation Algorithms by Predicting Robot Movement. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.39), 210-212.