A Rule Based Approach for Translation of Causative Construction of English and Malayalam for the Development of Prototype for Malayalam to English and English To Malayalam Bilingual Machine Translation System

  • Authors

    • T. K. Bijimol
    • John T. Abraham
  • Rule Based machine translation system, google NMT, causative sentences, impersonal causatives, interpersonal causative, malayalam to english machine translation systems, english to malayalam translation systems.
  • Malayalam is one of the Indian languages and it is a highly agglutinative and morphologically rich. These linguistic specialties of Malayalam determine the quality of all kinds of Malayalam machine translation systems. Causative sentences translations in Malayalam to English and English to Malayalam were analysed using Google Translation System and identified that causative sentence translation in these languages is not up to the mark. This paper discusses the concept and method of causative sentence handling in Malayalam to English and English to Malayalam Machine Translation Systems. A Rule-based system is proposed here to handle the causative sentence in both languages.



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  • How to Cite

    K. Bijimol, T., & T. Abraham, J. (2018). A Rule Based Approach for Translation of Causative Construction of English and Malayalam for the Development of Prototype for Malayalam to English and English To Malayalam Bilingual Machine Translation System. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.36), 542-548. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i4.36.24134