Friendship Identification on Location Based Social Networks Using Ensemble Learning Technique

  • Authors

    • Shaik Mastan Vali
    • P. Sujatha
  • Location-based social network, friendship prediction, behavioral analysis, ensemble classifier.
  • Abstract

    The brisk development of client information and geographic area information in the area built long range interpersonal communication applications, it is logically troublesome for clients to quick and absolutely discover the data they need. With the expedient development and generally abuse of cell phone, area based informal organization (LBSN) has turned out to be one critical stage for some novel applications. The area data will help to find companion relationship, companion suggestion, network identification, and manual for excursion, notice merchandise et cetera. We separated client social relationship, registration separation and registration compose are the three most huge key highlights. After the component extraction, we connected Adaboost troupe classifier with different base classifiers to order. In view of the trial results, Adaboost with Rehashed Incremental Pruning to Deliver Mistake Decrease (RIPPER) gives the best outcome contrasted with other base classifiers.




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  • How to Cite

    Mastan Vali, S., & Sujatha, P. (2018). Friendship Identification on Location Based Social Networks Using Ensemble Learning Technique. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.36), 766-772.

    Received date: 2018-12-18

    Accepted date: 2018-12-18

    Published date: 2018-12-09