Person’s Spiritual Being in the Context of the Cossack Life-long Learning

  • Authors

    • Sergey Vladimirovich Kondratiev
    • Olga Aleksandrovna Moiseeva
    • Alexey Nikolaevich Kuraev
    • Mikhail Vladimirovich Ivanov
    • Anastasia Victorovna Gudkova
  • Cossack upbringing, personal being, spiritual and moral aspects of a person.
  • This article considers liberalism as an ideology that contradicts traditional morality. The authors have distinguished the problems of personal being in the conditions of liberalism. In this regard, the “Cossack upbringing†is presented as a way to confront the liberal ideology, form and develop the personality of a true patriot and citizen.



  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Vladimirovich Kondratiev, S., Aleksandrovna Moiseeva, O., Nikolaevich Kuraev, A., Vladimirovich Ivanov, M., & Victorovna Gudkova, A. (2018). Person’s Spiritual Being in the Context of the Cossack Life-long Learning. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.38), 268-270.