A Comparative Evaluation of Meta Classification Algorithms with Smokers Lung Data
2018-12-09 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i4.36.24543
Data mining, Weka, meta classifier, lung function test, bagging, attribute selected classifier, logit boost, classification via Regression. -
Data mining is the course of process during which knowledge is extracted through interesting patterns recognized from large amount of data. It is one of the knowledge exploring areas which is widely used in the field of computer science. Data mining is an inter-disciplinary area which has great impact on various other fields such as data analytics in business organizations, medical forecasting and diagnosis, market analysis, statistical analysis and forecasting, predictive analysis in various other fields. Data mining has multiple forms such as text mining, web mining, visual mining, spatial mining, knowledge mining and distributed mining. In general the process of data mining has many tasks from pre-processing. The actual task of data mining starts after the preprocessing task. This work deals with the analysis and comparison of the various Data mining algorithms particularly Meta classifiers based upon performance and accuracy. This work is under medical domain, which is using the lung function test report data along with the smoking data. This medical data set has been created from the raw data obtained from the hospital. In this paper work, we have analyzed the performance of Meta classifiers for classifying the files. Initially the performances of Meta and Rule classifiers are analyzed observed and found that the Meta classifier is more efficient than the Rule classifiers in Weka tool. The implementation work then continued with the performance comparison between the different types of classification algorithm among which the Meta classifiers showed comparatively higher accuracy in the process of classification. The four Meta classifier algorithms which are widely explored using the Weka tool namely Bagging, Attribute Selected Classifier, Logit Boost and Classification via Regression are used to classify this medical dataset and the result so obtained has been evaluated and compared to recognize the best among the classifier.
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How to Cite
Kavitha, K., Rohini, K., & Suseendran, G. (2018). A Comparative Evaluation of Meta Classification Algorithms with Smokers Lung Data. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4.36), 845-849. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i4.36.24543Received date: 2018-12-21
Accepted date: 2018-12-21
Published date: 2018-12-09