Economic and Mathematical Modeling of Enterprises’ Demand for Labor Power in the Era of Digital Economy
2018-12-03 -
Economic and Mathematical Modeling, Economic and Mathematical Model, Digital Economy, Demand for Labor Power, Factors of Production, Integrated Indicator. -
The article presents an economic and mathematical model of enterprises’ demand for labor power in the form of a complex function of demand for the products of the enterprise in combination with the specific characteristics of the production process. In the presented economic and mathematical model, the demand for labor power is considered to be dependent on both the labor price and the prices of other production factors.
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How to Cite
Dmitriyevich Sekerin, V., Nikolaevich Dudin, M., Veniaminovich Skubriy, E., Evgenyevna Gorokhova, A., & Vasilevich Komlatsky, G. (2018). Economic and Mathematical Modeling of Enterprises’ Demand for Labor Power in the Era of Digital Economy. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.38), 456-458. date: 2018-12-22
Accepted date: 2018-12-22
Published date: 2018-12-03