Issues of Estimating the Quality of the Facilities Management of the Emercom of Russia at the Elimination of the Emergency Situations Consequences

  • Authors

    • Valeriy Borisovich Vilkov
    • Andrey Kliment’evich Chernykh
    • Alexander Alekseevich Tarantsev
    • Yuri Evgenievich Aktersky
    • Ilya Danilovich Cheshko
  • elimination of consequences of emergencies, efficiency criteria, fuzzy set, fuzzy logic, linguistic variable, an optimal variant for task accomplishment, membership function.
  • Abstract

    The article deals with the problem of multiobjective optimization with regard to the decision making on the use of the forces and facilities of the EMERCOM of Russia (Ministry of the Russian Federation for Affairs for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters). The purpose of the article is to create a method for prompt and reasonable calculations when making a decision on the use of the EMERCOM forces and facilities to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations. The proposed method uses fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, and the Mamdani fuzzy inference algorithm. The work gives a substantial example illustrating the application of the mentioned theory to solve the problem of choosing the optimal version of the task performed by the facilities of the EMERCOM of Russia. Regarding the novelty, it should be noted that the quality characteristics of the solutions are fuzzy and not unambiguously defined, and therefore allow applying the effective mathematical apparatus of fuzzy sets theory, fuzzy logic and the Mamdani fuzzy inference algorithm in solving this problem.


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  • How to Cite

    Borisovich Vilkov, V., Kliment’evich Chernykh, A., Alekseevich Tarantsev, A., Evgenievich Aktersky, Y., & Danilovich Cheshko, I. (2018). Issues of Estimating the Quality of the Facilities Management of the Emercom of Russia at the Elimination of the Emergency Situations Consequences. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.38), 704-708.

    Received date: 2018-12-25

    Accepted date: 2018-12-25

    Published date: 2018-12-03