Investigating the Impact of Quality Management Practices on Quality Performance in Medical Device Manufacturing Industry: An empirical study

  • Authors

    • Sim Choon Linga
    • Muhammad Shahar Jusoha
    • Noormaizatul Akmar Ishakb
  • Quality management practices, socio-technical system theory, quality performance
  • Abstract

    Quality has become a top priority to all manufacturing industries hence recent years had witnessed the growing popularity of quality management practices (QMPs) adoption in developing countries. Nevertheless with the fallen short of QMPs initiatives, a debate into its effectiveness was set in motion. In this regard, this paper aims to empirically re-examine the ambiguity in the relationship between QMPs and quality performance. This paper reveals that QMPs have a significant and positive effect on quality performance in medical device manufacturing (MDM) industry. Furthermore, the findings of this paper shown that QMPs enhances quality performance more effectively when it is introduced in an integrative manner rather than in a piecemeal approach.



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  • How to Cite

    Choon Linga, S., Shahar Jusoha, M., & Akmar Ishakb, N. (2018). Investigating the Impact of Quality Management Practices on Quality Performance in Medical Device Manufacturing Industry: An empirical study. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3.7), 651-655.

    Received date: 2019-01-11

    Accepted date: 2019-01-11