Load Dependence Behavior of The Thermoelectric Module Energy Harvesting System by Inverse Dynamic Analysis–Maximum Power Point Tracking

  • Authors

    • R. Mohamed
    • A. M. Yusop
    • A. Mohamed
    • N. A. Sulaiman
  • closed-loop, inverse dynamic analysis, load dependence, maximum power point tracking, thermoelectric.
  • Abstract

    This paper presents the characterization behavior of a thermoelectric module (TEM) analysis by the implementation of a new inverse dynamic analysis–maximum power point tracking (IDA-MPPT), with different load resistance values to the common maximum power point circuit (MPPC) controller. In this study, a conventional TEM test unit measurement is performed consists of a hotplate and a TEM module. The two MPPC boards are fed with the harvested voltage from the TEM module and a supercapacitor is linked with it. The load resistor is then fed with the boosted voltage of the second board.  The three phases experimental analysis is introduced in a closed loop manner.  There are, TEM system analysis without the IDA-MPPT implementation, TEM system analysis with IDA-MPPT implementation, and a newly developed IDA-MPPT unit experimental analysis. Results have shown that the TEM system with IDA-MPPT implementation with 1kΩ resistor is capable of achieving 5V output stable line voltages with 83.33% efficiency.  In conclusion, with the input stable voltage of the MPPC board from the new input –shaping process, a satisfactory load behavior is achievable by its voltage readings.


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  • How to Cite

    Mohamed, R., M. Yusop, A., Mohamed, A., & A. Sulaiman, N. (2019). Load Dependence Behavior of The Thermoelectric Module Energy Harvesting System by Inverse Dynamic Analysis–Maximum Power Point Tracking. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 8(1.7), 138-145. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v8i1.7.25969

    Received date: 2019-01-16

    Accepted date: 2019-01-16

    Published date: 2019-01-18