Thermodynamic Study of the Interaction of Benzylideneaniline with the Shift Reagent Cu (I) by U.V Spectroscopy
2018-11-30 -
Series of benzylid, Cu(fod)UV spectroscopy, mothas of Hartman, Skalski method, absorption of A1& A2. -
The U.V. spectra of series of benzylidene (mono and di- substituted) anilines have been studied with the shift reagentcu (I). Addition of shift reagent causes a decrease in the absorption of A1& A2 bands which may be attributed to the complex formation with cu (I). The equilibrium constant for the process was calculated using the method of Hartman. The thermodynamic parameters(∆G,∆H,&∆S)were obtained. Application of Skalski method show that the interaction with cu(fod)is 1:1.
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How to Cite
Sabeeh Jabur, H., & ., . (2018). Thermodynamic Study of the Interaction of Benzylideneaniline with the Shift Reagent Cu (I) by U.V Spectroscopy. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.25), 246-249. date: 2019-01-31
Accepted date: 2019-01-31
Published date: 2018-11-30