Neural Network Technology of the Financial and Economic Model Synthesis of Production as the Fragment of the Economy Digitalization

  • Authors

    • Sergei Alyoshin
    • Elena Borodina
    • Alla Hafiiak
    • Oleksandr Nosach
  • digitalization, fiscal and tax burden, neural network, neural network optimization, regional economy.
  • Abstract

    The purpose of the article is to develop a technology for desgning neural network models for automatic monitoring of the tax burden to achieve the optimal balance between the possibility of developing a successful business and sufficient filling of the regional budget. A multi-layer perceptron and a back-propagation algorithm were applied for the research as well as a neural control technology. The automation of the process of determining the elements of the gradient vector was produced in implementing traditional method of the back-propagation of error by using neural control technology. For the first time, a solution to optimize the fiscally-tax burden (FTB) of the region has proposed with the application of the back-propagation algorithm. Using the proposed methodology a software tool will be created for the transition to an automatic system for optimal management of the economy.



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  • How to Cite

    Alyoshin, S., Borodina, E., Hafiiak, A., & Nosach, O. (2018). Neural Network Technology of the Financial and Economic Model Synthesis of Production as the Fragment of the Economy Digitalization. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4.8), 355-363.

    Received date: 2019-02-11

    Accepted date: 2019-02-11

    Published date: 2018-10-13