Solving Fuzzy Nonlinear Equations Via Stirling’s-Like Method
Stirling’s method, fuzzy nonlinear equations, parametric form, successive substitution. -
This paper presents a Stirling-like method (SM) for solving fuzzy nonlinear equation, where the SM steps are computed at every iteration. In this method, we combine successive substitution’s and Newton’s method. Numerical experiments with encouraging results are presented that shows the efficiency of the proposed method.
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How to Cite
Umar Omesa, A., Mamat, M., Mohammed Sulaiman, I., Yusuf Waziri, M., & Afendee Mohamed, M. (2018). Solving Fuzzy Nonlinear Equations Via Stirling’s-Like Method. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3.28), 335-338. date: 2019-02-12
Accepted date: 2019-02-12