Safety Textbooks that Implement a Personality-Oriented Approach

  • Authors

    • Serhii Dykan
    • Klavdiia Dehtiarova
    • Leonid Shcherbinin
    • Оlexandr Redkin
  • study block, information blocks, information flow, performative text, personality-oriented approach, ternary matrix of knowledge.
  • Abstract

    The present article considers a conceptual approach to the creation of a coursebook that would implement the so-called ternary matrix, which will allow a student to effectively gain and build up knowledge. The authors illustrate how such ternary matrix can realize three-coordinate model of modern education, which consists of three interconnected processes: the subject knowledge transfer, socialization of the student and his/her cultural education. By means of the coursebook traditional descriptive text transformation into a performative text and textbook division into four blocks authors create the cognitive environment in which there is a synergistic strengthening of three interrelated information flows – learning, socialization and cultural education. As a result a student-centered approach to learning and increased efficiency of learning is achieved.



  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Dykan, S., Dehtiarova, K., Shcherbinin, L., & Redkin, Оlexandr. (2018). Safety Textbooks that Implement a Personality-Oriented Approach. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.8), 707-712.

    Received date: 2019-02-15

    Accepted date: 2019-02-15

    Published date: 2018-10-13