Resource of distance learning technology in the formation of the professional competence of specialists in document science and information activities

  • Authors

    • Nataliia Yakymenko
    • Olena Zndanova-Nedilko
    • Tetiana Isaienko
    • Viktoriia Voshchenko
  • distance learning, professional competence, specialist in document science and information activities.
  • Abstract

    The peculiarities of installing distance learning into the process of formation of professional competence of specialists in document science and information activities are analyzed; the terms "distance learning" and "distance education", "e-learning" are characterized, their uniqueness being demonstrated; integral, general and special professional competences, which are formed in the process of distance learning are listed and characterized. It is emphasized in the article that the use of the distance learning system in the process of preparing specialists in documentation and information activities makes it possible to carry out quasi-professional activities.



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  • How to Cite

    Yakymenko, N., Zndanova-Nedilko, O., Isaienko, T., & Voshchenko, V. (2018). Resource of distance learning technology in the formation of the professional competence of specialists in document science and information activities. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.8), 731-734.

    Received date: 2019-02-15

    Accepted date: 2019-02-15

    Published date: 2018-10-13