Vocative as a Marker of Politeness Category Expression

  • Authors

    • Alla Bolotnikova
    • Nadiya Balandina
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  • category of politeness, communicative intention, negative politeness, positive politeness, pragmema, presupposition, strategy, tactics, vocative as a marker of politeness.
  • The article focuses on the analysis of grammatical markers of politeness category expression. The object of the study is fragments of texts, which include expression of politeness; the subject is politeness category grammatical markers, their communicative-pragmatic features and varieties. The role of grammar in the expression of politeness has been substantiated in linguistics; vocative as a marker of politeness has been determined and inventoried; communicative-pragmatic potential of vocative as the politeness category expression and the verbalization mechanism of positive and negative politeness strategies have been described.

    It has been found out that politeness is a communicative-pragmatic category intended to regulate the communication process and to promote formation of harmonious, benevolent and parity relationships with the help of specific linguistic means, in particular grammatical ones. The focus is on the theoretical aspects of the study. The role of politeness category in the communication process and its linguistic and pragmatic features is revealed. It has been found out that politeness is realized through a complex system of strategies and tactics aimed at achieving effective communication.

    Vocative case expresses the importance of drawing and keeping attention. The speaker’s ability to control the communicative process by means of the vocative case through the mediation of the speaker is determined, implementing a pragmatic strategy of influence on the intellectual, volitional and emotional spheres of the addressee. Distant and contact vocatives are highlighted in a number of word forms. Their use in accordance with the implementation of positive and negative politeness strategies and communicative-pragmatic presupposition is grounded.



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  • How to Cite

    Bolotnikova, A., Balandina, N., ., ., & ., . (2018). Vocative as a Marker of Politeness Category Expression. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.8), 759-764. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i4.8.27455