Methods for Transformation of Rectangular Spatial Coordinates to Geodetic Coordinates

  • Authors

    • Pavel Aleksandrovich Medvedev
    • Leonid Vasilevich Bykov
    • Vasiliy Leonidovich Bykov
    • Marina Vladimirovna Novorodskaya
    • Svetlana Ivanovna Sherstneva
  • transformation of coordinates, rectangular and geodetic coordinates, latitude, longitude, algorithms, Newton method.
  • The article gives a brief analysis of methods and algorithms for the transformation of spatial rectangular coordinates to curvilinear coordinates - geodetic latitude, geodetic longitude, geodetic height. Two algorithms for solving the equation for determining longitude are considered. Three formulas used to calculate the height are analyzed, with an estimate of their errors due to the approximate latitude. The shortcomings of mathematical solutions to these problems are revealed. A study of different approaches and methods for solving the transcendental equation for determining the latitude, based on the theory of separation of the root of the equation, is performed. Using this technique, iterative processes were performed to calculate the reduced latitude , using trigonometric identities, by introducing an auxiliary angle and transforming it to an algebraic quartic equation, which Borkowski solves by the Ferrari's method. The determination of the root isolation interval allowed using the chord method (proportional parts) to determine the latitude. In all cases, estimates of the convergence of the iterative processes that facilitate the comparative analysis of the proposed solutions are obtained. By further decreasing the separation interval of the root, the accuracy of the non-iterative determination of the latitude is improved by the Newton method.



  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Aleksandrovich Medvedev, P., Vasilevich Bykov, L., Leonidovich Bykov, V., Vladimirovna Novorodskaya, M., & Ivanovna Sherstneva, S. (2018). Methods for Transformation of Rectangular Spatial Coordinates to Geodetic Coordinates. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.38), 1179-1186.