Maximum Likelihood Based Approach for Weibull’s Distribution Parameters Estimation for Wind Energy Applications

  • Authors

    • Adekunlé Akim Salami University of Lome
    • Koffi Mawugno Kodjo University of Lome
    • Ayité Sénah Akoda Ajavon University of Lome
    • Koffi Agbeblewu Dotche University of Lome
    • Koffi-Sa Bédja University of Lome
  • Comparative Evaluation, Even Bins Wind Speed Series, Maximum Likelihood Method (MLM), Odd Bins Wind Speed Series, Statistical Analysis.
  • Abstract

    In this article, a new computational approach is proposed to estimate the Weibull’s distribution parameters. The method is dependent on the Maximum Likelihood (MLM) using the even and odd classes of wind speed’s distribution. This new approach is referred to either as Maximum Likelihood with Odd Bins time series Method (MLOBM) or Maximum Likelihood with Even Bins time series Method (MLEBM). It comprises the data size reduction, which in turns may lead to a fast processing time. This method was evaluated in a comparative analysis of MLOBM and MLEBM against the proposed theoretical model. The obtained results on the mean wind speed, standard deviation, and power density on monthly and annual scales for different geographical locations may indicate that the MLOBM or MLEBM may give a better estimate of the Weibull parameters with a low error.



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  • How to Cite

    Akim Salami, A., Mawugno Kodjo, K., Sénah Akoda Ajavon, A., Agbeblewu Dotche, K., & Bédja, K.-S. (2019). Maximum Likelihood Based Approach for Weibull’s Distribution Parameters Estimation for Wind Energy Applications. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 6631-6648.

    Received date: 2019-02-22

    Accepted date: 2019-06-12

    Published date: 2019-06-30