Corrosion behavior of electro-deposited nickel aluminum composite coating on the stainless steel 316L

  • Authors

    • Dr. Nawal Mohammed Dawood ("Babylon University")
    • Eng. Talib Abdulameer Jasim Babylon University
    • Eng. Zaid Falah Sharbah Babylon University
  • Composite Coating, Stainless Steel (316 L), EMMC, Nickel Aluminide Electroplating.
  • Abstract

    The characterization of aluminum particulates charging in a coating cell on the morphology and corrosion behavior of nickel aluminum composite coating by an electro-chemical co-deposition coating were evaluated. The aluminum reinforced nickel matrix composite coatings were co-deposited on Austenitic Stainless Steel (316 L) work pieces by a nickel-ion electrolytic solution firmly postponed with -10 µm max. diameter aluminum particulates. The extreme limit of codeposited aluminum can be occurred at a particulate gratified of 50 g/l in cell, a current density of 4.5 A/dm2, a PH of 4.0 – 4.1, and a circulation rate of 400 rpm.

    Entirely codeposited specimens were heat treated under vacuum atmosphere for five hours at 950 °C prior to Potentiostatic testing. Throughout heat treatment, coating morphological development was initiated to occur by the exothermic reaction nickel +aluminum = nickel aluminum.

    Surface morphology was inspected by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) and atomic absorption. Furthermore, The electrochemical enactment of the coatings was considered by Potentiostatic test in 3.5wt.% NaCl. It was originate that, combination of aluminum particulates in nickel matrix sophisticated the nickel grains coatings. Though , polarization curves raised to negative potentials and the rate of corrosion is reduced.



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  • How to Cite

    Nawal Mohammed Dawood, D., Talib Abdulameer Jasim, E., & Zaid Falah Sharbah, E. (2019). Corrosion behavior of electro-deposited nickel aluminum composite coating on the stainless steel 316L. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4), 5501-5505.

    Received date: 2019-03-02

    Accepted date: 2019-03-15

    Published date: 2019-04-03