Characteristics of TrikotAC as Filter Aids Material for Fabric Filtration System

  • Authors

    • S. Hajar
    • M. Rashid
    • N. Masdiana
    • J. Nor Ruwaida
    • M. R.Ammar
  • Fabric filtration, Filter aids, TrikotAC
  • Abstract

    Filter aids material applied in fabric filtration system does not merely work as a flue gas cleaning agent but also acts as an efficient
    particles collection barrier. In this study, the characteristics of a formulated filter aids TrikotAC consisting of three different types of filter aids materials, activated carbon, lime, and PreKotâ„¢ were investigated in a laboratory scale filtration unit. Three different
    formulations of TrikotAC were tested in terms of their pressure drop performance across the filtration unit where the best formulation was determined in the study.


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  • How to Cite

    Hajar, S., Rashid, M., Masdiana, N., Nor Ruwaida, J., & R.Ammar, M. (2018). Characteristics of TrikotAC as Filter Aids Material for Fabric Filtration System. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.38), 1683-1685.

    Received date: 2019-05-13

    Accepted date: 2019-05-13