Unsteady Rotatory Oscillations of a Vertical Cylinder In Jeffery Fluid With Ion Slip Currents and Porous Medium
2019-06-30 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i4.29314
Circular Cylinder, Ion-Slip, Jeffery Fluid, Magneto Hydrodynamic, Porous Medium. -
The generated flow of a Jeffery fluid due to an infinite circular cylinder's rotatory oscillations is examined. Consideration is given to the effects of Magnetic field, Hall and Ion currents with porous medium. The governing partial differential equations ensuing from the linear momentum equations are determined analytically by the theory of Bessel’s functions. The velocity field, tangential drag force, torque and axial force acting on the cylinder are enumerated. The impacts different fluid parameters on transverse and axial velocities are investigated and presented in graph form. It is found that the longitudinal and polar velocity decreases with increasing Reynold number at a distance from the wall. The θ-component and z-component a velocity increase with a raise in Deborah number, also it increases with rising in Ion-slip parameter.
Ρ:Fluid Density
Σ:Electrical Conductivity
ð‘˜0:Permeability of the Porous Medium
T:Cauchy Stress Tensor
I:Identity Tensor
S:Extra Stress Tensor
E:Rate of Strain
:Jeffery Parameters
Q0:Magnitude of Oscillations
Î’0:Angle between the Directions of Transverse Oscillation with Base Vector
J:Current Density
B:Magnetic Field
M:Magnetic Parameter
Re:Reynolds Number
Da:Darcy Number
De:Debroah Number
:Ion Slip Parameter
:Hall Factor,
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How to Cite
Gajjela, N., & Aparna, podila. (2019). Unsteady Rotatory Oscillations of a Vertical Cylinder In Jeffery Fluid With Ion Slip Currents and Porous Medium. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 6592-6596. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i4.29314Received date: 2019-05-16
Accepted date: 2019-06-03
Published date: 2019-06-30