Numerical simulation of mathematical heart model in COMSOL

  • Authors

    • Iffat Ara Pabna University of Science and Technology
  • Bidomain Model, Electrical activity, FHN equation, Finite Element Method, Mathematical Model.
  • Abstract

    Electrical activity is essential for the cardiac cell to perform its function. Mathematical modeling of cardiac electrical activity is performed from the cell, tissue and organ levels through to the body surface level. The electrical activity of the cardiac as a whole is thus characterized by a complex multiscale structure. The most complete model of such a complex setting is the anisotropic bidomain model that consists of a system of two degenerate parabolic reaction diffusion equations describing the intra and extracellular potentials in the cardiac muscle, coupled with a system of ordinary deferential equations describing the ionic currents flowing through the cellular membrane. This study describes an anatomically realistic 3D Bidomain model of whole-heart electrical activity. The heart was embedded in a human torso, incorporating spontaneous activation with heterogeneous action potential (AP) morphologies throughout the heart. The aim of this study is the development of a geometrically simple and computationally efficient 3D model of heart. In this paper a finite element formulation, model and simulation of Bidomain equation has been conducted. The FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) equations were incorporated into Bidomain model of cardiac electrical activity, which was comprised of a simplified geometry of the whole heart with the torso as an extracellular volume conductor. Laplace equation for the torso also considered. Simplified 3D cardiac model was implemented using COMSOL Multiphysics 5.0 finite element software. Electrical potential at different point on torso is measured. Propagation of electrical excitation on heart surface is also observed. This study represents the first stage toward the development of an accurate computer model of heart activation.




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  • How to Cite

    Ara, I. (2020). Numerical simulation of mathematical heart model in COMSOL. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 9(1), 77-83.

    Received date: 2019-10-30

    Accepted date: 2020-01-03

    Published date: 2020-01-23