Optimal power flow-path determination for voltage control in electricity distribution using the modified dijkstra’s algorithm

  • Authors

    • Ofem Ajah Ofem Department of Computer Science, University of Calabar
    • Moses Adah Agana Department of Computer Science, University of Calabar
    • Ejogobe Owai E. Department of Computer Science, University of Calabar
  • Graph, Optimal, Flow-Path, Node, Distribution.
  • Abstract

    This paper examines the electric power distribution network system of the Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company (PHEDC); its shortcomings, costs and voltage loss in distribution with a view to finding optimal solution through determination of optimal power flow path. The Modified Dijsktra’s Algorithm was applied to generate optimal flow path model of the distribution network with seven (7) nodes from Afam Thermal Power Station (source) to the Calabar Distribution Centre (destination) via the interconnected substations. The structural design of the PHEDC distribution network and a review of relevant literatures on shortest path problems were adopted. The modified Dijkstra’s algorithm was simulated using JavaScript and is able to run on any web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc). It was applied to a practical 330kV network using the relevant data obtained from the company and the result shows the negative effect of distance on voltage quality. It was observed that the Modified Dijkstra’s Algorithm is suitable for determining optimal power flow path with up to 98 percent level of accuracy because of its suitability for determining the shortest route in both transportation and power energy distribution as well as its overall performance with minimal memory space and fast response time.



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  • How to Cite

    Ajah Ofem, O., Adah Agana, M., & Owai E., E. (2021). Optimal power flow-path determination for voltage control in electricity distribution using the modified dijkstra’s algorithm. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 10(2), 108-115. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v10i2.31554

    Received date: 2021-04-26

    Accepted date: 2021-05-19

    Published date: 2021-06-11