Analysis of SIW Crossover for 5G Beamforming Network Applications
Generalized Scattering Matrix Method (GSMM), microwave crossover, Mode-Matching Technique (MMT), Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW), 5G beamforming. -
A Mode-Matching Technique (MMT) with Generalized Scattering Matrix Method (GSMM) are deployed to design and analyze H-plane SIW crossover operating at 26 GHz for 5G beamforming networks applications. The introduced crossover has an 0 dB transmission over more than 4 GHz bandwidth. During the MMT formulation, the crossover structure is divided into two symmetrical cascaded parts with each part having multi-port bifurcated sections. Due to the symmetrical structure, analyzing one half of the coupler with MMT has been sufficient for full analysis. The obtained S-parameter results from MMT are compared with full-wave CST simulator results.
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How to Cite
Matar, M. A. I., Cinar, G., & Çınar, Özge. (2022). Analysis of SIW Crossover for 5G Beamforming Network Applications. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 11(1), 50-58. date: 2022-02-26
Accepted date: 2022-03-20
Published date: 2022-04-04