Fixed point results in tricomplex valued fuzzy metric spaces with application

  • Authors

    • Rakesh Tiwari
    • Shraddha Rajput SSTC.Bhilai
  • Abstract

    In this article, accredit the innovative concept of complex valued the fuzzy set due to Ramot et al.[17], Singh et al.[20] and Choi et al.[7], we introduce the conceptualisation of tricomplex valued fuzzy metric spaces and this paper is inspired by Ismat Beg et al.[10]. Various related topological features have been established for tricomplex-valued fuzzy metric spaces, thereby reinforcing the foundational concept.

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  • How to Cite

    Tiwari , R., & Rajput, S. (2024). Fixed point results in tricomplex valued fuzzy metric spaces with application. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 13(1), 48-59.