Proposing a model for absorption capacity of technology

  • Authors

    • Hossein Gholizadeh Department of Progress Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology
    • Ali Bonyadi Naeini Assistant Professor, Department of Progress Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology
    • Alireza Moini Assistant Professor, Department of Progress Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology
  • Absorptive Capacity, Innovation, Structural Equation Model, Nanotechnology, Knowledge.
  • Abstract

    Absorption capacity of knowledge is the concept which is been introduced in this situation. This phenomenon describes why some countries are in a better condition with a view to technology. Many countries believe that the power to stay in the battle and excel other competitors directly depends on their abilities in taking knowledge. Many countries have used their technological gap with developed countries as an accelerator for improving their absorption capacity. In this study, authors tried to produce a complete definition for absorption capacity through analyzing different research. Then with using expert opinions, a categorization for dimensions of absorption capacity will be prepared by using the structural equation modeling analysis, and finally a model for measuring absorption capacity is suggested. The results show effective dimensions in 5 different section. Studies depict that the most important one is keeping which could be a fundamental for long-term policies of 1404.

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  • How to Cite

    Gholizadeh, H., Bonyadi Naeini, A., & Moini, A. (2015). Proposing a model for absorption capacity of technology. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 4(1), 113-124.

    Received date: 2014-12-10

    Accepted date: 2015-01-05

    Published date: 2015-01-12