Development and testing of a motorized cassava fufu pounding machine
2015-12-10 -
Development, Motorized, Cassava Fufu, Pounding Machine and Testing. -
A motorized cassava fufu pounding machine was developed and tested. The machine principal parts were hopper, throat, pounding compartment, discharge outlet, main frame, electric motor seat, auger, shaft and pulleys. Mild steel material and stainless steel sheet were used in the fabrication based on its availability, strength, appearance, cost, and corrosion resistance. The machine is powered by a 5hp electric motor; the dimension of the machine is 1010mm × 600mm × 930mm (length × breadth × height). Output capacity of 120kg/hr was obtained. The machine is affordable and easy to operate and manage. It is therefore recommended for the restaurants, chop bars and households to prepare a good and hygienic fufu thereby solving the problem of energy sapping and time wasting in manual fufu pounding.
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How to Cite
Puoza, J. C., Opoku, F., & Aboagye, B. (2015). Development and testing of a motorized cassava fufu pounding machine. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 5(1), 1-6. date: 2015-08-06
Accepted date: 2015-10-08
Published date: 2015-12-10