Performance assessment for MUSIC-based DoA estimators
2016-10-22 -
MUSIC, Toeplitz, MV-SVD, VSS, MVSS, Success Rate (SR) -
Direction of arrival estimation is a popular technique used for localization and tracking. Many techniques were developed to detect it even in a multipath environment. In this paper we introduce an assessment for four techniques that are based on the MUSIC algorithm. They are the Toeplitz, modified virtual SVD (MV-SVD), Virtual array extension (VSS) and the Modified VSS (MVSS). Two assessment metrics are employed for evaluating these techniques under several conditions such as various SNR vales and numbers of samples. These metrics are RMSE and the success rate.
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How to Cite
Ghonim, A., Napoleon, S., & Attia, M. (2016). Performance assessment for MUSIC-based DoA estimators. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 5(4), 120-125. date: 2016-08-02
Accepted date: 2016-10-04
Published date: 2016-10-22