Big data management with machine learning inscribed by domain knowledge for health care

  • Authors

    • EPhzibah E.P. VIT university, Vellore-632014
    • Sujatha R VIT university, Vellore-632014
  • Big Data, Classification, Disease Diagnosis, Domain Knowledge, Machine Learning.
  • Abstract

    In this work, a framework that helps in the disease diagnosis process with big-data management and machine learning using rule based, instance based, statistical, neural network and support vector method is given. Concerning this, big-data that contains the details of various diseases are collected, preprocessed and managed for classification. Diagnosis is a day-to-day activity for the medical practitioners and is also a decision-making task that requires domain knowledge and expertise in the specific field. This framework suggests different machine learning methods to aid the practitioner to diagnose disease based on the best classifier that is identified in the health care system. The framework has three main segments like big-data management, machine learning and input/output details of the patient. It has been already proved in the literature that the computing methods do help in disease diagnosis, provided the data about that particular disease is available in the data center. Thus this framework will provide a source of confidence and satisfaction to the doctors, as the model generated is based on the accuracy of the classifier compared to other classifiers.

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  • How to Cite

    E.P., E., & R, S. (2017). Big data management with machine learning inscribed by domain knowledge for health care. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6(4), 98-102.

    Received date: 2017-08-10

    Accepted date: 2017-09-11

    Published date: 2017-09-20