Design and simulation of a 2DOF PID controller based on particle swarm optimization algorithms for a thermal phase of hybrid vehicle

  • Authors

    • Mohamed Hedi Hmidi ENICarthage
    • Ines Ben Salem ENICarthage
    • Lilia El Amraoui
  • Hybrid Vehicle, Modeling, PID Two Degree of Freedom Control, Driving Cycle, Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO with Constriction Factor.
  • Abstract

    This paper deals with the systematic design of a PID regulators with two degree of freedom 2DOF for a Hybrid vehicle driving cycle based on different variants of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The PID 2DOF problem for the stabilization of the velocity dynamics of the hybrid vehicle are formulated as a constrained optimization problem and solved thanks to improved PSO algorithms. Both PSO algorithm with variable inertia weight (PSO-In), PSO with Constriction factor (PSO-Co), PSO with possibility updating strategies (PSO-gbest) are proposed. Such variants of the PSO algorithm aim to further improve the exploration and exploitation capabilities of such a stochastic algorithm as well as its convergence fastness. All optimized 2DOF PID controllers are then simulated within a Matlab Simulink. Demonstrative simulation results are presented, compared and discussed in order to improve the effectiveness of the proposed PSO-based 2 DOF controllers for the hybrid Vehicle velocity stabilization.



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  • How to Cite

    Hmidi, M. H., Ben Salem, I., & El Amraoui, L. (2018). Design and simulation of a 2DOF PID controller based on particle swarm optimization algorithms for a thermal phase of hybrid vehicle. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 4644-4650.

    Received date: 2017-10-01

    Accepted date: 2018-01-24

    Published date: 2018-04-11