An enhanced security tree to secure cloud data
2017-12-21 -
Trusted Third Party, Security Tree, Data Security, Data Classification, Data Storage. -
The Cloud computing services and security issues are growing exponentially with time. All the CSPs provide utmost security but the issues still exist. Number of technologies and methods are emerged and futile day by day. In order to overcome this situation, we have also proposed a data storage security system using a binary tree approach. Entire services of the binary tree are provided by a Trusted Third Party (TTP) .TTP is a government or reputed organization which facilitates to protect user data from unauthorized access and disclosure. The security services are designed and implemented by the TTP and are executed at the user side. Data classification, Data Encryption and Data Storage are the three vital stages of the security services. An automated file classifier classify unorganized files into four different categories such as Sensitive, Private, Protected and Public. Applied cryptographic techniques are used for data encryption. File splitting and multiple cloud storage techniques are used for data outsourcing which reduces security risks considerably. This technique offers file protection even when the CSPs compromise.Â
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How to Cite
Renu, S., & Krishna Veni, S. (2017). An enhanced security tree to secure cloud data. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(1.1), 64-70. date: 2017-12-22
Accepted date: 2017-12-22
Published date: 2017-12-21