Energy efficient scheduling mechanism using wireless sensor networks
Wireless Sensor Networks, M2CIC, Dynamic Time Slot MAC, NS2. -
Wireless sensor networks are an electro mechanical system which is used to transfer information to the base station from the beacon node. The objective of our project is to increase the lifetime of a beacon node, parallelly decreasing the energy using WSN by using appropriate scheduling mechanism. Each sensor performs different types of operation such as collecting the information from the sensors, processing it and communicating the source information when required, so energy consumption of these nodes is high. This can be reduced by using centralized approach and average consensus based Distributed algorithm. The lifetime of sensor is first increased by modifying M2CIC into multimodal set coverage problem and using this to produce NP-completeness. Another problem here is the network utility maximization problem which consists of Mixed Integer programming. This is solved by splitting the multi period problem into a single period problem. It is future reduced to Pure Integer programming. This Pure Integer programming can be solved by a centralized way.
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How to Cite
., V., Ruthra Prabha, D., & Sree Sravya, T. (2017). Energy efficient scheduling mechanism using wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(1.2), 85-88. date: 2018-01-01
Accepted date: 2018-01-01
Published date: 2017-12-28