Semantic educational data extraction using structur-al domain relationships

  • Authors

    • Manchikatla Srikanth
  • Educational Content Analysis, Web Mining, Data Extraction, Semantic Principles, Content Based Data Extraction.
  • Abstract

    In the mining industry', some of the domains are most popular and it plays a vital role in the specific area. Educational Mining and Web-Data Extraction are the two important factors play a leading role in mining industry. The main objective of the proposed system is to extract the related contents from web using semantic (relating to meaning in language or logic) principles as well as to allow the providers to dynamically generate the web pages for educational content and allow the users to search and extract the data from server based on content. The main model of this system is to illustrate the adaptive learning system. For demonstration we consider the semantic principles for Educational content over dynamic environment. This site allows the providers to create web pages related to educational content dynamically and this will be getting approved by the Administrator to live in process. Once the site is live the users can search for the exact content present into the site based on semantic principles. The proposed model is designed for dynamic web data extraction and content analysis from the extracted data due to educational principles. In the proposed system Semantic Web Extraction (SWE) procedures are highly analyzed and utilized for content manipulations. Energetic data extraction scheme for users based on educational content rather than header, title, meta tags and descriptions.

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  • How to Cite

    Srikanth, M. (2017). Semantic educational data extraction using structur-al domain relationships. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(1.2), 175-177.

    Received date: 2018-01-07

    Accepted date: 2018-01-07

    Published date: 2017-12-28