Improvement of the efficiency of booth multiplier
Booth Multiplication, Layout, Partial Product, Booth Algorithm -
Objective: To Improve the performance of Booth Multiplier and reduce power consumption.
Method: The most essential form of multiplication consists of framing the result of two unsigned (positive) binary numbers.
Finding: Booth Multiplier consists of pre-defined table. According to this algorithm, multiplication of two numbers x and y (x*y) is same as multiplication of y and x (y*x). At times this rule fails due to which we modify the logic by converting the decimal number in to 4 bit binary number and appending (n-2) zeros at most significant bit and one zero at least significant bit.
Improvement: By using this method we can get accurate results in multiplication by multiplying like (x*y) and   (y*x).
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How to Cite
Siva Kumar, M., Kumar Tulasi, S., Srinivasulu, N., Krishnam Naidu Yedla, G. S., Raghuveer, E., & Hari Kishore, K. (2017). Improvement of the efficiency of booth multiplier. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(1.5), 31-36. date: 2018-01-11
Accepted date: 2018-01-11
Published date: 2017-12-31