Multilevel classification of security threats in cloud computing

  • Authors

    • N. Srinivasu
    • O. Sree Priyanka
    • M. Prudhvi
    • G. Meghana
  • Saas, Paas, Iaas, data backup, encryption, DSC, SLA, Virtualization, data transmission.
  • Abstract

    Cloud Security was provided for the services such as storage, network, applications and software through internet. The Security was given at each layer (Saas, Paas, and Iaas), in each layer, there are some security threats which became the major problem in cloud computing. In Saas, the security issues are mainly present in Web Application services and this issue can be overcome by web application scanners and service level agreement(SLA). In Paas, the major problem is Data Transmission. During transmission of data, some data may be lost or modified. The PaaS environment accomplishes proficiency to some extent through duplication of information. The duplication of information makes high accessibility of information for engineers and clients. However, data is never fully deleted instead the pointers to the data are deleted. In order to overcome this problem the techniques that used are encryption[12], data backup. In Iaas the security threat that occurs in is virtualization and the techniques that are used to overcome the threats are Dynamic Security Provisioning(DSC), operational security procedure, for which Cloud Software is available in the market, for e.g. Eucalyptus, Nimbus 6.

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  • How to Cite

    Srinivasu, N., Sree Priyanka, O., Prudhvi, M., & Meghana, G. (2017). Multilevel classification of security threats in cloud computing. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(1.5), 253-257.

    Received date: 2018-01-11

    Accepted date: 2018-01-11

    Published date: 2017-12-31