Lattice ordered interval-valued hesitant fuzzy soft sets in decision making problem

  • Authors

    • Ar. Pandipriya
    • J. Vimala
    • S. Sabeena Begam
  • Soft sets, Fuzzy sets, Hesitant Fuzzy Soft Sets, Interval-Valued Hesitant Fuzzy Soft Sets, Lattice Ordered Interval-Valued Hesitant Fuzyy Soft sets
  • Abstract

    In 2015, Haidong Zhang enhanced the idea of Hesitant Fuzzy Sets and Soft Sets into Interval-Valued Hesitant Fuzzy Soft Sets along with its properties. In this present work, we establish the Lattice Ordered Interval-Valued Hesitant Fuzzy Soft Sets and examined its vital properties with examples. Eventually the application of Lattice Ordered Interval-Valued Hesitant Fuzzy Soft Set to decision making problem is established by means of elegant algorithm.
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  • How to Cite

    Pandipriya, A., Vimala, J., & Sabeena Begam, S. (2017). Lattice ordered interval-valued hesitant fuzzy soft sets in decision making problem. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(1.3), 52-55.

    Received date: 2018-01-21

    Accepted date: 2018-01-21

    Published date: 2017-12-31