The urban bioregion as form and project of the co-evolution between urban and rural domain. the case of the Florence metropolitan area

  • Authors

    • David Fanfani
  • Urban Bioregion, Periurban Planning, Agricultural Park, Self-Reliance, Bioregional Economy
  • Urbanization processes entailed, especially in western countries, growing interaction between urban and rural domain alongside with ‘resilience’ problems also related to global economic, climate and ‘transition’ matters. That calls for a ‘re-embedding’ of cities in their surrounding regions. In such a framework, this article explores the opportunity of recovering, in planning practices, the ‘urban bioregion’ concept, as key feature for balanced and co-evolutionary polycentric urban regions. That allows to point out, as in the case described relatively to Florence MA, the need to adopt integrated and bottom-up approach, in order to overcome routine and path-dependent practices in periurban areas planning.

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  • How to Cite

    Fanfani, D. (2018). The urban bioregion as form and project of the co-evolution between urban and rural domain. the case of the Florence metropolitan area. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(1.4), 61-68.