Performance comparisons of particle swarm optimization, echo state neural network and genetic algorithm for vegetation segmentation
Particle Swarm Optimization, Echostate Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm, Vegetation Segmentation. -
This article presents the implementation of vegetation segmentation by using soft computing methods: particle swarm optimization (PSO), echostate neural network(ESNN) and genetic algorithm (GA). Multispectral image with the required band from Landsat 8 (5, 4, 3) and Landsat 7 (4, 3, 2) are used. In this paper, images from ERDAS format acquired by Landsat 7 ‘Paris.lan’ (band 4, band 3, Band 2) and image acquired from Landsat 8 (band5, band 4, band 3) are used. The soft computing algorithms are used to segment the plane-1(Near infra-red spectra) and plane 2(RED spectra). The monochrome of the two segmented images is compared to present performance comparisons of the implemented algorithms.
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How to Cite
Merlin Mathew, R., Purushothaman, S., & Rajeswari, P. (2017). Performance comparisons of particle swarm optimization, echo state neural network and genetic algorithm for vegetation segmentation. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(1.1), 184-188. date: 2018-01-26
Accepted date: 2018-01-26
Published date: 2017-12-21