Secured information exchange in cloud using cross breed property based encryption
2018-03-01 -
Information Exchange, Social Network, Cloud -
Individuals have the ability to get to the web anyplace and whenever. Distributed computing is an idea that treats the assets on the Internet as a brought together element, to be specific cloud. The server farm administrators virtualized the assets as per the necessities of the clients and uncover them as capacity pools, which the clients can themselves use to store documents or information protest s. Physically, the assets may get put away over numerous servers. Thus, Data heartiness is a noteworthy prerequisite for such stockpiling frameworks. In this paper we have proposed one approach to give information power that is by imitating the message with the end goal that every capacity server stores a duplicate of the message. We have improved the safe distributed storage framework by utilizing a limit intermediary re-encryption strategy. This encryption conspire bolsters decentralized deletion codes connected over scrambled messages and information sending operations over encoded and encoded messages. Our framework is exceedingly dispersed where every capacity server freely encodes and forward messages and key servers autonomously perform incomplete decoding.
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How to Cite
Archana, E., Dickson Irudaya Raj, V., Vidhya, M., & S. Umashankar, J. (2018). Secured information exchange in cloud using cross breed property based encryption. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(1.9), 205-210. date: 2018-03-03
Accepted date: 2018-03-03
Published date: 2018-03-01