Slant Path Ka-Band rain attenuation statistics in equatorial Malaysia obtained using stratiform convective-synthetic storm technique
2018-03-08 -
rain attenuation, satellite communication system, Ka-band, equatorial region, Synthethic Storm Technique, SC-SST -
In the design of satellite communication link, rain attenuation statistics is essential information for system designer to realistically determine link availability and provide means to combat system degradation. Due to the limitation of available measured data in equatorial regions especially for high frequencies (Ka-band and above), the prediction model is the best way to obtain rain attenuation statistics. This paper presents statistical analysis of rain attenuation at Ka-band by applying the Stratiform Convective-Synthetic Storm Technique (SC-SST) model taking advantage from local weather features from rain rate time series. The study on seasonal and diurnal variability is also presented in this paper to provide good insight in the design and implementation of fade margin.
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How to Cite
M. Yunus, M., Din, J., L. Jong, S., & Y. Lam, H. (2018). Slant Path Ka-Band rain attenuation statistics in equatorial Malaysia obtained using stratiform convective-synthetic storm technique. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.3), 22-25. date: 2018-03-08
Accepted date: 2018-03-08
Published date: 2018-03-08