The influence of the training of coping skills for stress on self-control and intensity of depression among adolescents with suicide risk
The Training of Coping Skills for Stress, Self Control, Intensity of Depression, Adolescents. -
Background: Suicide was the second leading cause of death among 15–29 year-olds globally in 2012. While the key elements in developing a national suicide prevention strategy not only the health sector but also education so far the training of coping skills for stress was not being a part of health school program to prevent suicide.
Objective: This study conducted to explore the training of coping skills for stress on self-control and intensity of depression among adolescents with suicide risk.
Method: This research design using a quasi-experimental pre-posttest with control group. The sample consisted of each 40 adolescents in the intervention group and in the control group.
Results: We found that the adolescent’s self-control and the intensity of depression was improved significantly in the intervention group.
Conclusion: The training of coping skills for stress appears to be effective in increasing self-control and decreasing intensity of depression. We recommended that the training of coping skills for stress for adolescents should become a health school program in suicide prevention.
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How to Cite
Keliat, B. A., Tololiu, T. A., Daulima, N. H. C., & Erawati, E. (2015). The influence of the training of coping skills for stress on self-control and intensity of depression among adolescents with suicide risk. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies, 4(2), 110-114. date: 2015-06-14
Accepted date: 2015-08-31
Published date: 2015-09-13