Loneliness and Cardiovascular Disease
2021-04-21 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijm.v9i1.31462 -
Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular Diseases, Coronary Artery Disease, Loneliness, Social Isolation. -
Loneliness is a silent social epidemic that affects more than one third of the US population. Cardiovascular diseases impart a huge morbidity, mortality, and financial burden on our society. The detrimental role of loneliness in cardiovascular diseases is being increasingly recognized. Besides having a direct molecular effect on cardiovascular diseases, loneliness also encourages poor compliance with healthy lifestyles, that play a significant role in preventing and improving cardiovascular diseases. This brief review highlights the ominous effects of loneliness on cardiovascular diseases.
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How to Cite
Agarwal, S. K. (2021). Loneliness and Cardiovascular Disease. International Journal of Medicine, 9(1), 40-47. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijm.v9i1.31462Received date: 2021-02-23
Accepted date: 2021-03-19
Published date: 2021-04-21