Perception of head teachers of primary schools about quality primary science teaching- learning (TL) practice in Bangladesh

  • Authors

    • Dr. A K M Obaydullah Instructor, URC, Primary and Mass Education Ministry, Dhaka, Bangladesh
    • Dr. K.A. Khan Professor, Department of Physics, Jagannath University
  • Head Teachers, Perception, Primary Science, Quality Education, Teaching- Learning Practice.
  • Abstract

    The quality teaching and learning play an important role in achieving overall quality education. According to the record most of the PEC examination, the quality of science was the below among other subjects. Even internal examination results also showed the same picture. The purpose of this study was that, to investigate and describe perception of Head teachers of Primary schools about Quality Primary Science Teaching Learning practice in government primary schools of Bangladesh. For this study, data collected from a sample of 40 Head teachers from 40 government primary schools of Dhaka and Gazipur district of Bangladesh. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and structured interview schedule. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used for analysis of data. The findings of the study revealed that student-teacher ratio was high and also there were lack of subject based teaching and effective use of teaching aids. Maximal school has multimedia but they do not use. Maximum school has not modern class room, library and science equipment. Utmost of the teachers never used teaching aids. Near about fifty five percent of head teachers did not have science subject training. The study recommended that student teacher ratio should be reduced, quality based supervision should be improved. Science subject training are much needed for all teacher. Science class time should be increase. Teacher should be taking class with the lesson plan and striking.




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  • How to Cite

    A K M Obaydullah, D., & K.A. Khan, D. (2020). Perception of head teachers of primary schools about quality primary science teaching- learning (TL) practice in Bangladesh. SPC Journal of Education, 3(1), 18-21.

    Received date: 2020-04-05

    Accepted date: 2020-05-07

    Published date: 2020-05-15