Editorial Team


Prof. Michael D. Smith
    Author: Astrophysical Jets & Beams, Cambridge Univ Press, 2012
    Author: The Origin of Stars, Imperial College Press, 2004
Director, Centre for Astrophysics and Planetary Science   
Director, Euromasters in Physics

Director, SEPnet Graduate Training, Kent
Director, Kent Space School
School of Physical Sciences
The University of Kent
Canterbury CT2 7NH, U.K.

Telephone: 00-44-(0)1227-827654
Email: m.d.smith@kent.ac.uk

www: http://astro.kent.ac.uk/mds/  


Editorial Team: 

Vladimir Kondratyev

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine

Email : vkondrat@i.ua


Rafik Kandalyan

Yerevan State University, Armenia, Armenia

Email : kandalyan@yahoo.com


David Mota

Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, 0315-Oslo, Norway

Email : d.f.mota@astro.uio.no


Kiril Panov 

Institute of Astronomy and Nat. Astronomical Observatory, Bulgaria

Email : kpanov@astro.bas.bg


Lorenzo Amati

INAF (Italian National Institute for Astrophysics), IAU (International Astronomical Union) member; COSPAR (COmmittee on SPAce Research) associate; member of the Swift (NASA) team; member of the LOFT (ESA) team, Italy

Email : amati@iasfbo.inaf.it


Jonatan Lenells

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Email : jlenells@kth.se


Anzhong Wang

Physics Department, Baylor University, Waco, Texas 76798-7316, USA, United States

Email : anzhong_wang@baylor.edu


Sonkamble Satish

Centre for Space Research (CSR), North-West University (NWU), Potchefstroom, 11 Hoffman Street, Potchefstroom - 2531 (South Africa)

Email: satish04apr@gmail.com