The gigantic comet bernardinelli-bernstein: a review

  • Authors

    • Mohamed Khalil Salem Faculty of Engineering, MSA university, Giza, Egypt
    • Mohamed Said
    • Hesham Osman
    • Mohamed Khaled
    • Nada Khaled
    • Shahd El-sedafy
    • Ahmed Ibrahim
  • Abstract

    Huge comets are considered as serious threat to Earth. Bernardinelli-Bernstein (BB) comet is one of such huge comets. Based on the gath-ered data using space telescopes, scientists and astronomers have confirmed the fact that, the BB comet (C/2014 UN271) is the biggest comet ever seen. In this paper, we give a short review about the BB comet and we are trying to answer the question, does the comet BB pose a real threat to Earth?

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Salem, M. K., Said, M. ., Osman , H. ., Khaled, M. ., Khaled, N., El-sedafy, S., & Ibrahim, A. (2023). The gigantic comet bernardinelli-bernstein: a review. International Journal of Advanced Astronomy, 11(1), 1-2.