Non-collinear libration points in CR3BP when less massive primary is an heterogeneous oblate body with N-layers

  • Authors

    • M Javed Idrisi School of Physical and Molecular SciencesDepartment of MathematicsAl-Falah UniversityFaridabad (Haryana) - 121004
    • Kumari Shalini Deshbandhu College, New Delhi
  • Celestial Mechanics, Restricted Three-Body Problem, Libration Points, Stability, Heterogeneous Oblate Spheroid.
  • Abstract

    In the present paper, the existence of non-collinear libration points has been shown in circular restricted three-body problem when less massive primary is a heterogeneous oblate body with N-layers. Further, the stability of non-collinear libration points is investigated in linear sense and found that the non-collinear libration points are stable for the critical value of mass parameter µ ≤ µcrit= µo – 3.32792 k1 – 1.16808 k2.

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  • How to Cite

    Idrisi, M. J., & Shalini, K. (2016). Non-collinear libration points in CR3BP when less massive primary is an heterogeneous oblate body with N-layers. International Journal of Advanced Astronomy, 4(1), 39-42.

    Received date: 2016-02-23

    Accepted date: 2016-03-20

    Published date: 2016-03-28