Progression of bifurcated family f type periodic orbits in the circular restricted three-body problem

  • Authors

    • Nishanth Pushparaj Department of Aerospace Engineering, Karunya University, Coimbatore - 641114, Tamil Nadu, India
    • Ram Krishan Sharma Department of Aerospace Engineering, Karunya University, Coimbatore - 641114, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Restricted Three-Body Problem, Poincaré Surfaces of Section, Solar Radiation Pressure, Sun-Jupiter System, Direct and Retrograde Periodic Orbit.
  • Progression of f-type family of periodic orbits, their nature, stability and location nearer the smaller primary for different mass ratios in the framework of circular restricted three-body problem is studied using Poincaré surfaces of section. The orbits around the smaller primary are found to decrease in size with increase in Jacobian Constant C, and move very close towards the smaller primary. The orbit bifurcates into two orbits with the increase in C to 4.2. The two orbits that appear for this value of C belong to two adjacent separate families: one as direct orbit belonging to family g of periodic orbits and other one as retrograde orbit belonging to family f of periodic orbits. This bifurcation is interesting. These orbits increase in size with increase in mass ratio. The elliptic orbits found within the mass ratio 0 < µ ≤ 0.1 have eccentricity less than 0.2 and the orbits found above the mass ratio µ > 0.1 are elliptical orbits with eccentricity above 0.2. Deviations in the parameters: eccentricity, semi-major axis and time period of these orbits with solar radiation pressure q are computed in the frame work of photogravitational restricted Three-body problem in addition to the restricted three-body problem. These parameters are found to decrease with increase in the solar radiation pressure.

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Pushparaj, N., & Sharma, R. K. (2017). Progression of bifurcated family f type periodic orbits in the circular restricted three-body problem. International Journal of Advanced Astronomy, 5(2), 69-78.

    Received date: 2017-05-15

    Accepted date: 2017-06-17

    Published date: 2017-07-06